Darmstadt Dribblers
Videos of our robots
Darmstadt Dribblers YouTube channel
All videos since 2006 and all most recent videos are available from Darmstadt Dribblers YouTube channel!
Cooperation of humanoid and wheeled robot (2006)
The following videos demonstrate the cooperation of an autonomous humanoid and an autonomous wheeled robot (to our knowledge the first time in the world).
Bruno and Jan (2006)
For a more detailed description of what happens in the following movies please see our
resumee of RoboCup 2006 in Bremen.
backheel kick of Bruno
(video wmv
different kicking and walking motions at RoboCup 2006,
including an especially acrobatic kicking technique
using his whole body
(video wmv
Team cooperation of Bruno and Jan (1)
(video wmv
Team cooperation of Bruno and Jan (2)
Foot race, speed of Bruno:
40cm/s (about 1.5 km/h)
(video wmv
Walking on rough terrain in record time
(video wmv
Emotional reactions
on scoring or receiving a goald
(video wmv
- Our goalie Jan
(video wmv
For some Videos of the Walking optimization see our Research site.
Mr. DD Junior 2 (2005)
German Open 2005, Paderborn
- Video showing humanoid robot Mr. DD junior at its first autonomous kick (50 MB, DivX)
Simulation with MuRoSimF
- Simulation of robot falling down and getting up again (divx).
- Simulation of two robots playing penalty-kick (divx).
Videos of humanoid project in cooperation with TU Berlin
Simulation of the fast walking humanoid robot